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Playing Dead

501 E Romeo Rd Romeoville, IL

Dates: Oct. 20, 2024
times: 1pm-2:30pm
Location: Isle a la Cache Museum/Preserve, 501 E Romeo Rd, Romeoville, IL

Are we talking zombies and monsters? No! Ladybugs, opossums, hognose snakes, mallard ducks and others all play dead. Discover who uses this form of defense and practice your own version with games and crafts. Then go on a short hike to see if we can discover any of these incredible critters.

Fee: Free! Age: Ages 6 and older. (Children must be accompanied by an adult.) Registration required by Friday, Oct. 18, by calling 815-722-9301 or online.

Isle a Cache is an accessible facility; the 0.5-mile hike is on paved trails and uneven terrain. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service to participate in this program should submit a request online later than 48 hours before the program.

(Photo via Shutterstock)

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