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I&M Canal Boat Tour

754 First Street La Salle, Il 61301
Dates: Now - Oct. 27, 2024
times: 11:30AM, 1PM, 2:30PM
admission: Adults $24, Seniors $19, Children 4-16 years old $10
Location: I&M Canal Boat Tours, 754 First Street, La Salle, Il 61301

Picture it: 1848 Illinois. Prairie covers the state. Overland transportation is slow and treacherous. And only a few small communities exist, including a small port town on Lake Michigan called Chicago. Then the I&M Canal opens, and everything changes…

Relive the fateful turning point in our history that led to a new era of transportation and the growth of our region by taking a trip on The Volunteer, our Canal Boat. This vessel is not only a replica of those from the 1840s. It also runs on the same energy source: mule power! This 1-hour experience is perfect for family fun, history buffs, nature lovers, and groups.

Become an I&M Canal Boat Kid today! Open for children age 5-12. Come ride The Volunteer, our mule-powered, 1840s-replica canal boat, and “join up” as an I&M Canal Boat Kid! The first ride of each day is dedicated to younger passengers age 5-12.

With the purchase of a ticket for the 11:30 am canal boat ride, children will be invited to board the boat 30 min. early – 11 am (with their guardians) and discover what it would have been like to be a kid in the 1840s, the era of our canal boat.

As a Canal Boat Kid, they may be asked to help with kid-appropriate deckhand chores, learn what it takes to care for mules, find out what the captain’s job included, greet other passengers when they board, look for wildlife along the shores, and more, all while they explore the boat–both before it leaves the dock and during its morning tour.

This is a kid-friendly tour, not a kids-only tour. Adult passengers will enjoy hearing about life on and around the canal from our on-board tour guide as the boat makes its way up the canal.

This unique, kid-focused experience gets our young passengers out of the house (and off their devices) so they can engage with nature and the stories of our community, state and nation, making a lasting impression for all that won’t be forgotten.

Tours Days: Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays, and most Wednesdays (May-October)

Tour Times:

11:30 AM (dedicated to younger passengers age 5-12) 1:00 PM 2:30 PM Tickets

Adults: $24 Seniors: $19 Children (4-16): $10 Children (3 and under): Free Family 4-Pack (2 Adults, 2 Kids): $59

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