North Central Illinois ARTworks

PO Box 1251 La Salle, IL 61301
815-866-5167 OR 815-228-1136
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The mission of NCI ARTworks is to inspire growth among artists through artistic collaboration, educational outreach, and art space development. NCI ARTworks promotes quality professionalism and diversity in the arts in a positive manner. It is also our mission to create venues that support public and private education, community events, economic development, and cultural tourism.

NCI ARTworks showcases local, regional, and national talent to the residents and students in LaSalle, Bureau, and Putnam counties. Whether it is facilitating major public art installations like the Ray Paseka murals in Cherry, Mendota, Streator, and Seneca or the Susan Burton mosaics in Princeton, or hosting monthly art exhibitions at the ARTworks Gallery in the Westclox building the 2nd Friday of each month and providing world-class music programs to Illinois Valley residents and schools, every single ounce of skill and expense necessary to provide the Illinois Valley with top-level arts and culture is worth it. By attending our events, traveling with us to national and international arts and culture meccas, and donating to our various educational arts programs, the return on investment of your donation is a thriving arts culture in the Illinois Valley. Art is not only culture, it is also business. When communities support venues like NCI ARTworks, residents end up enjoying a standard of living that encourages talented people to stay and contribute to the cultural and economic life of the community. Check us out online at

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